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Table Control Tab (TableNinjaFT)


TableNinjaFT Screenshot

Table Control Modes:

Table In Foreground (TIF): Hotkeys will target the table in the foreground. If the 'Jump mouse to table' check-box is checked, TableNinjaFT will also jump the mouse to the active table any time it becomes your turn.

Table Under Mouse (TUM): Hotkeys will target the table directly under your cursor. The table under your cursor will automatically be put on top of all other windows.

Manually Cycled/Clicked (MCC): Hotkeys will target whatever table is manually clicked on or cycled to using the Cycling Hotkeys

Cycling Hotkeys:

If the "Jump mouse to cycled tables?" check-box is checked these hotkeys will also jump your cursor to the table you cycle to.

Cycle to "First in Line" Table: This hotkey will cycle to the next table requiring action.

Cycle Tables Forwards: If your tables are stacked or cascaded, this hotkey will move the bottom most table to the top. Otherwise, it will cycle through your tables from left to right and top to bottom.

Cycle Tables Backwards: If your tables are stacked or cascaded, this hotkey will move the top most table to the bottom and activate the second table in the stack. Otherwise, it will cycle through your tables from right to right and bottom to top.


You can customize frame colors by clicking the colored box and selecting a color. You can disable a specific frame type by setting the Color to the Transparency Color

Target Frame Color: The table which your hotkeys will target will be framed in this color.

Needs Attention Frame Color: Any table awaiting action will be framed in this color.

First in Line Frame Color: The table that has been awaiting action the longest (besides the Target Table) will be framed in this color.

Transparency Color: This color will be displayed as transparent. Any other frames of this color will not be displayed.

Set Table Aside Hotkeys:

These hotkeys will instantly move the target table to a specified location. By default hitting the hotkey a second time will instantly snap the target table back to its previous location.

Choose Location: You can specify a location to move tables to by clicking the Choose Location button, dragging the sample window to the desired location and size, and the clicking the Save button. You can also resize the window by typing a width in pixels into the Width box and clicking the Resize Manually button

No Snap Back: If this option is enabled, hitting the Set Table Aside Hotkey a second time will not return a table to its previous location.

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