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Required Party Poker Settings


For TableNinjaPP to work properly you must go into Party Poker® and
make sure that you are using the following settings:

1.    Use a TableNinjaPP compatible Party Poker® theme: TableNinjaPP
currently supports the default theme.

2.    Enable "Table  taking focus at action". From the Party Poker® Lobby
click "Preferences" and choose the "Multi-tabling" tab.

3.    If you are using Window's XP or Windows Vista with a non-Aero theme
you must make sure that your Heads Up Display is not covering the box
displaying the size of the pot ( directly above the chip stack), the
action buttons, and the cards (TableNinjaPP looks at the number of
cards on the felt to determine which street it is).

4.    You must set your language to English in Party Poker®.

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