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Hand Replayer Options


Hand Replayer Options



Descriptions below are from left to right in the picture above



<  &  >

Scrolls up or down through the hands in the box below these buttons.




Displays the Hero’s hands currently loaded into the Hand Replayer.  Highlighted hand is the hand currently being displayed in the Hand Replayer.



|< and >|

Both of these brackets take you to the start of the hand or the end of the hand.



Flop / Turn / River Buttons

Instantly takes the hand to the Flop, Turn or River.



GO and ||

Go starts the hand.  When Go is pressed, the Go changes to a pause type button. 

|| Pauses the hand.



+ Slider – (Horizontal Slider)

The Slider at the bottom allows you to slide your way though the hand by moving the marker.  To step through the hand press the + or – buttons.





Up/Down Slider (Vertical Slider)

The Up/Down Slider increases or decreases the speed at which the hand is replayed.  Top of the slider is fast while the bottom of the slider replays hands at the slowest speed possible.




Show Known Cards (Checkbox)

Displays the villain’s hole cards or not




Show Win % (Checkbox)

Shows the Win % next to the players chip stack




Show Player Stats

When unchecked, this option removes the HUD Overlays from the Hand Replayer.




Stats Up to Day of Hand

When checked, stats for players are only calculated up to the date of the hand; otherwise, stats displayed are current with your current Holdem Manager database.





The top-left of the Hand Replayer displays the following:


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